Workspaces Properties

Workspaces are defined and function according to the following conventions.

Naming Conventions

All maintenance unit objects can have the same name as long as they are in separate workspaces.

Default Workspace

A system generated workspace where you can create solutions. All existing maintenance units prior to version 7.3 were moved to the Default workspace.

  • The Default workspace is always shared and is accessible by any other workspace, even if not explicitly added to the Shared Workspaces list.

  • Referencing parameters do not consider workspaces and backward compatibility is enabled.

NOTE: The Default Maintenance Unit only exists on the Application Workspace page.


The following properties help to define a workspace.



Name of a workspace.


Brief description of a workspace.


Brief notes to add to a workspace.

Substitution Variable Items

Field to define substitution variables to be used within the workspace. Select the ellipses (...) to view, edit, or delete substitution variable items.

NOTE: (Collection) will always be displayed for this property.


Access Group

Manages the users that have access to the workspace.

Maintenance Group

Manages the users that have access to maintain and administer the workspace.


Sharing allows developers to selectively share workspace items such as dashboards, parameters, components, and adapters across workspaces when necessary. You should implement all related items in the same workspace to minimize sharing of items from other workspaces. Sharing items across workspaces provides opportunities for re-use of items rather than copying them.

Is Shareable Workspace

If this property is set to True, other workspaces can reference objects in the current workspace.

NOTE: The Default workspace is shareable by default and cannot be changed.

The Default workspace is predefined by OneStream and the Is Shareable Workspace property is always set to True. All other workspaces can reference dashboards and parameters implemented in the Default workspace.

The Default workspace also behaves as if all other workspaces are part of its Shared Workspace Names list. Therefore, any dashboard or parameter defined in another shareable workspace can be referenced by items in the Default workspace. This approach simplifies backward compatibility since new workspaces can access all items that previously existed in the Default workspace. However, this requires an implementor to avoid using similar names for items in the Default and custom workspaces.

Shared Workspace Names

This property indicates the workspace names for use in the current workspace. This is a comma-separated (no spaces) list of names that can be used to find embedded dashboards, parameters, file resources, string resources, and so forth while processing a dashboard in this workspace.

Referenced workspaces must have the Is Shareable Workspace property set to True. The search order for a requested item name is the current workspace followed by the Default workspace, then followed by the list of Shared Workspace Names in the order they were entered.


Namespace Prefix

Specify different names used for referencing assemblies in a workspace.

Imports Namespace 1-8

Corresponds to the _ImportsNamespace1 placeholder value within the import statements in code.

Workspace Assembly Service

Type a name for the workspace assembly service factory used to process the dynamic creation of dashboards within this workspace. This property must be configured for the service type assembly files to be used as intended. The syntax for this property is AssemblyName.AssemblyFileName.


Text 1-8

Create string values.

Search Order

Sharing items across workspaces requires a defined search order when the same item name is used more than once. The following is the order of operations:

  1. Search the workspace you are currently working in.

  2. Search the Default workspace.

  3. Search the Shared Workspace Names list.

NOTE: If all items are defined in the Default workspace, search order is irrelevant.